Roman Heflik and Laura-Maria Selke interviewed by Public Marketing magazine  

Words by

Anja Suren, Director Corporate Communications, LOOPING GROUP

Following LOOPING GROUP's whitepaper study with representatives of German municipalities, Newsroom Director Roman Heflik and Newsroom Consultant Laura-Maria Selke gave an interview to Public Marketing, the trade magazine for marketing and communication in the public sector, in which they provided an even deeper insight into newsrooms and integrated communication for cities. In the interview, Roman and Laura emphasise that a newsroom is the best way to involve all the city's key stakeholders and orchestrate communications together. However, they both point out that collaboration between offices is a major challenge for city communications, as it requires consistent narratives and coordination. They also share their recommendations, including the choice of different channels, how communications and marketing can work hand in hand, and the importance of regular performance analysis.  

The full interview can be read in the June issue of Public Marketing and an excerpt can be read online: Public Marketing.